This is the first in our new series ProfFile: informal interviews with leading or under recognized critical health psychologists.
ProfFile 1: Elizabeth Peel - who is (amongst other things) a Lesbian, Left-Handed, Left-Wing Critical Health Psychology Professor
What is your current position?
I’m Professor of Psychology and Social Change, and Director of Research for the Institute of Health and Society at the University of Worcester, UK. I also Chair the BPS (British Psychological Society) Psychology of Sexualities Section.
Could you say a bit about your career trajectory so far?
Trajectory suggests an upward path. Circular routes, peaks and troughs, and variety across different roles are just as important. For instance, I spent a lot of time working to support the (then) BPS Lesbian and Gay Psychology Section in the early 2000s and I’m trying to so the same again now. Continue reading →
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